Wednesdays at the library we have a special story time that is designed for
babies between the ages of 5 months and two years old.
This story time includes rhymes, lap jogs, songs, books, flannel boards,
and finger plays. Many of the rhymes we recite each week with fun motions
so that the babies can learn them and start to say them as they learn to speak.
This story time surrounds them with language and words through the fun a
timeless rhymes and proves just how important nursery rhymes are to early
speech and literacy. This Mother Goose Time was created and inspired
by the ideas of Jane Marino. Click here for a list of her books.
The books that are read during Mother Goose
Time need to to have short amounts of text on each page and colorful pictures.
Today for Mother Goose Time, we read the following:
- To & Fro,
Fast & Slow by
Durga Bernhard
- No Two Alike by Keith
The rhymes listed below are two of the most
popular ones that we recite each week
Criss-Cross Applesauce ” [make big
“X” on back]
Spider Crawling up your back [walk fingers up
Cool breeze; tight squeeze [blow on
cheek; hug]
Now you’ve got the shivers! [tickle
on front]
Popcorn, popcorn, sizzlin’ in the pan [bounce]
Shake ‘em up, shake ‘em up, bam, bam bam [shake
Popcorn, popcorn, sizzlin’ in the pot [bounce
Shake ‘em up, shake ‘em up, pop, pop, pop.
[shake again, then bounce up]
Look for new rhymes, books, and flannel boards each Wednesday
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