Friday, March 24, 2017

Umbrella Days

Grab your umbrella and get ready for the rain!

The Books
  Image result for the thingamabobImage result for raindrop plop by wendy cheyette lewison

The Thingamabob by Il Sung Na
Raindrop, Plop! by Wendy Cheyette Lewison

Opening Song

Letter of the Day

Today we did the letter U!
We use a powerpoint with our storytimes and I love to put up the letter of the day slide with no letter and ask the children to tell me what the letter of the day is.  It gets a great reaction when I act all shocked that the letter is not there and I tell the children that we need to sing the ABCs to help our shy letter appear.  As we get to the end of singing I use the clicker and the letter magically appears and the children rejoice.

Once the letter shows up we talk about what sound it makes.  This week we also drew the letter U with the help of two mountains.  I then have 3 pictures of different things that start with the letter that the children have to guess, this week I used unicorn, up, and underwear.  The children really got a kick out of the use of underwear since I used the book cover for One Big Pair of Underwear by Tom Lichtenheld as my picture.  It is hard to come up with pictures to go with the letter U that are easy for children to guess!


Freddy the Frog is our beloved backpack that houses our themed item and normally letters to spell the theme word.  Since umbrella is a long word and we only have one of each letter I put the letter U and two other random letters in the backpack. I pulled out the letters acting like a had no clue why they were in the bag and got the children to tell me their sounds as I put them on the flannel board. We have these really cute storm cloud and raindrop puppets that I also pulled out of the bag.  I had the children make thunder with their feet as I pulled the storm cloud out.  With the raindrop I told the children that I really didn't want to get wet and asked them how I could stay dry.  An wouldn't you know it, I had a rainbow umbrella in my bag (And I was brave and opened it inside).  Then, I got the brilliant idea that one of the letters from the bag must be what the word "umbrella" starts with.  I got the children to help me eventually figure out that it was the letter U (they absolutely love the confused adult act!).

Hiding Game

Using the flannel board I played a hiding game by hiding a raindrop behind a cloud.  I already had this up on the board before storytime started.  I used the following rhyme:

Raindrop, Raindrop
Where can you be
Are you hiding behind the big (guess the color) cloud?

Action Rhyme

To get ready for our story we did the following action rhyme:

Raindrop, Raindrop, turn around
Raindrop, Raindrop, touch the ground
Raindrop, Raindrop, reach up high
Raindrop, Raindrop, touch the sky
Raindrop, Raindrop, touch your nose
Raindrop, Raindrop, grab your toes
Raindrop, Raindrop, touch your knees
Raindrop, Raindrop, sit down please


Since our main theme item was umbrella this week Il Sung Na's The Thingamabob was perfect.  I asked the children what color the Thingamabob was and that if they knew what the Thingamabob was to keep it a secret until the end.  This book went over well and the illustrations are so beautiful!

Action Rhyme

This song was a lot of fun.  I left off the second verse so we could focus on the rain and do the first verse a few times.  

The Rain Is Falling Down
Tune of The Farmer in the Dell 

The rain is falling down, (flutter fingers down)

SPLASH (clap once loudly)
The rain is falling down, (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH (clap once loudly)
Pitter patter pitter patter (tap legs softly)
The rain is falling down, (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH (clap once loudly)
Source: Storytime Katie

Movement Song

"The Goldfish" by Laurie Berkner.  I had to do this song in every storytime at my previous library or risk a revolt.  I am so glad that the children at my new library liked it.  The parents also got a kick out of it.  I like to use the version from her video since it is more uptempo than the original CD recording.  You can watch it here.

Action Rhyme

Open, Shut Them

(Have children sit down)
Open, shut them (open and close hands)
Open, shut them
Give a little clap, clap, clap
Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Put them in your lap, lap, lap (put hands in lap)
Big and small… (make hands big and small)
Fast and slow…(spin arms like wheels on the bus to speed you need)
Open, shot them...
Source: Super Simple Learning (pulled from their longer version)


I started the week out with one of my personal favorites, The Rain Came Down by David Shannon, but for some reason the kids didn't really care for it and I wasn't keeping their attention.  I have a storytime 6 days a week so I got rid of this book after my second one and changed to Raindrop, Plop! by Wendy Cheyette Lewison.  This one worked so much better for the children since it had counting and a lot of places that I could ask them questions.

Action Rhyme

The Itsy Bitsy Spider 

The itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out!
Out came the sun

And dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider
Went up the spout again!

We also met some of the Itsy Bitsy Spider's cousins, the Very Fast Spider, the Very Slow Spider, and the Very Quiet Spider.
Source: Childhood

Flannel Board

Ten Little Umbrellas

One little, two little, three little umbrellas
Four little, five little, six little umbrellas
Seven little, eight little, nine little umbrellas
Ten umbrellas waiting for the rain

One little, two little, three little raindrops
Four little, five little, six little raindrops
Seven little, eight little, nine little raindrops
Ten little raindrops falling down
After we sang the rhyme I told the children that it needed to stop raining so we needed to put the raindrops away.  We counted backwards as I took them off the board.  With no rain we didn't need umbrellas so we counted backwards and put them up too!

Movement Song

Since it was our egg shaker week (I switch out what we use between scarves, shakers, and bean bags)  We used our shakers to make it rain.  We started out with a sprinkle that turned into a thunderstorm (stomping feet) and then died down and turned into a rainbow.  After that we shook to "Milkshake" by Old Town School of Folk Music. 

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